Starting The Process

Firstly the option to reset your password is on the Login page and is called "Forgot your password".

Clicking this link takes you to this page.

Here you enter the email address for an existing profile (account) that you need to change the password for.  Be careful when entering this email address as no check is made to see if it exists on this system.  Then click "Reset my password" and you will be sent a reset email and returned to home page which will display the following message.

The Password Reset Email

Assuming you correctly entered your email address in the previous step you will receive an email as follows:

Click on the link to take you to the password reset page.  This link is valid for 24 hours.  You do need to be logged into the email account that you requested the reset for.  If you have multiple email addresses going to one Inbox or emails are coming to your Inbox via an aliased or forwarded address this link will not work.

Setting A New Password

When you click the link in the email you should end up on the password reset page.

Although the wording on this page is open to interpretation, it is asking you to enter a new password and confirm it. Passwords must be at least 8 characters and not contain the username (email address).  Then click "Update & Log in", the password will be changed and you will be logged in.