
We have made some changes to the new ticket submission form to help guide you when giving your details.  We have noticed some of you diligently entering your details when there was no need to as they already existed in your profiles, also a couple of fields were causing some confusion, the "Requester" and email fields.  The "Requester" field is the important field and should be the email address the ticket should be raised under, so this has been renamed and the email field was a reference field only, so this has been removed.  


We will start with an explanation of some of the terminology used.

profile Sometimes referred to as an account, this is where your can store details about yourself so that you do not have to keep entering them every time you raise a ticket.  You can get to your profile from the "Edit profile" link in the top right hand corner of the page.
individual An individual profile or account is one relating to you as a representative of a particular organisation.. It will be in your name but will have been provided by your employer or an organisation you volunteer for.
shared A shared profile or account will have been provided by your employer or an organisation you volunteer for, but it will not be in an individuals name, the name is likely to be role related.
personal A personal profile or account is one that relates to you as a private person.  It is important to understand the distinction between individual and personal profiles.

What Has Changed

As mentioned in the introduction the first change is that the "Requester" field has been renamed "Your email" to, hopefully, make it clearer that this field should be the email address that will be used for email communications.

The other change is a new field "I am using".This allows you to specify what sort of profile you are using and whether or not you want to specify alternative details or not.  The options are:

The option selected will determine which combination of alternative details fields will be displayed, potentially reducing clutter, and giving a guide to which fields might be useful.  Options ending in "... those details are ok for this enquiry" do not display any extra fields.