From 9th October 2018 we are improving the way that you access support from the Learning team. We’re introducing a new system for you to log any learning enquiries with us.

What does this mean for you?

You’ll still be able to email us at existing addresses,  and you will also be able to use our new support portal

The first time you use the new system you’ll need to register. Here’s a guide that shows you how to do that.

We will still have access to any previous enquiries you’ve sent us and will respond to those in the usual way. If you have any problems accessing the system please contact

Please ensure that you update your normal working days on your profile, so that we know when is the best time to contact you.

Why have we made the change?

The new system will give you better information about how your enquiry is being handled and let you feed back to us on whether you’re happy with the service we provide.

You’ll know when your enquiry has been received, when it’s been actioned and you’ll have access to real time information on our likely response time. You’ll be able to tell us how we’re doing and if the advice we provided helped you move forward with your issue.

It will also enable us to 

  • have much better insight into the quality of service we are providing,

  • ensure greater consistency in our support, 

  • learn from the common issues you have raised to help us develop our support offer going forward,

  • provide you with relevant materials to meet your specific enquiry

  • focus on giving you the support that you need.